National UFO Reporting Center - February 96 Reports

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2/1/96 New Hampshire, OH CUFOS relays sighting report: 4 family members witness a huge obj. w/ ring of alternating orange & blue-green lights around it.
2/1/96 6:07 Woodinville, WA Man reports seeing obj. in apparent polar orbit (?), that appeared to be emitting an erratic strobing effect. (Tumbling satellite??)
2/1/96 21:00 Big Pine, CA Woman sees large triangular obj. w/ white sparks pouring off its nose pass over Hwy 395, disappear to E. Twice size of moon.
2/1/96 21:05 Las Vegas, NV UFO investigator and husband witness a very bright light in W sky. Suddenly develops greenish-blue tail, accelerates up at 45 deg..
2/2/96 20:35 Portland, OR Man sees wedge-shaped obj. pass overhead at high rate of speed. Appeared to have 6-8 rectangular, white lights on each "wing."
2/3/96 11:00 Lake Oswego, OR UFO investigator relays report: Woman witnesses "cigar-shaped" craft near I-5/Rte. 217 interchange. White & blue color. 300' alt..
2/3/96 22:44 Walla Walla Airport, WA Air traffic controller reports a pale yellow light, that looked "square" in his binoculars, pass from SE to directly overhead.
2/4/96 13:30 Marblemount, WA Woman & man witness peculiar aircraft "w/ disc above it." Suddenly, disc separates from the a/c, flies ahead of it! Very slow flt.(??)
2/7/96 17:30 Gilbert, AZ Pilot repts. witnessing a "red object," which faded, began moving E, stopped, then moved S. Suddenly disappeared w/ a flash of light.
2/8/96 0:15 Redding, CA Man seess obj. shaped like "upside-down ice cream cone" pass slowly overhead. Yellow, w/ 3 lights on bottom. Shot flames down.
2/9/96 17:50 Langley, WA Five witnesses observe long, slender, tubular obj. w/ pointed nose moving N to S in W sky. Descends, disappears behind Olympic Mtns.
2/9/96 18:25 Granite Falls, WA Woman repts. 4 white flashing lights in a straight-line formation passing very rapidly W to E to the north of her home. Exclnt report.
2/9/96 18:30 Redmond, WA Man repts. 4-6 tiny objs. w/ very bright strobing lights fly S to N in W sky. "Wobbled, weaved vert." in flt. 4 min. later, N to S!
2/9/96 18:40 Woodinville, WA Experienced UFO investigator and husband witness three peculiar blinking lights, then a fourth, fly from N to E sky. Ascends in sky.
2/9/96 18:45 Whidbey Island, WA Five adults witness in W sky an elongate obj. w/ flashing lights moving N to S, like 3 "diamonds in row." Length 4-7x dia. of moon!
2/9/96 18:45 Seattle, WA Young man w/ neighbor witness bizarre multiple flashing lights in straight line over E horiz.. Obj. hovered, moved, then streaked off.
2/9/96 19:30 Charleston, OR Man sees bizarre formation of craft fly over Charleston Harbor, all simultaneously turn to SE. 2 types of objects. Loud noise.
2/9/96 19:45 Eureka, CA Woman and neighbor witness bizarre formation of up to ten objs. overhead w/ white flashing lights. Objs. maneuvered; 1/3 of sky.
2/9/96 21:40 Hollywood, FL Man sees a "star" overhead begin to move from W to E, fly w/ oscillating movement, "from side to side," fade from sight. 2nd observer.
2/11/96 19:30 Lake Stevens, WA Five observers witness red-orange, egg-shaped obj. w/ a "halo" fly from the SE to NW.
2/16/96 4:10 Cashmere, WA Woman sees round, orange "globe" of light flying to W. Wakes husband, who sees obj. briefly. Obj. flew up valley, disappeared.
2/16/96 21:45 Ithaca, NY Woman & husband (pilot) see very large, illuminated obj., shaped like "upside down cage on a blimp," pass overhead. Good rept..
2/17/96 19:30 Cactus Flats, CA 3 men on motorcycles witness 6 large, bright objs. hovering in the sky, 1 on the ground. Objs. illuminate area dramatically, fade out.
2/18/96 2:05 Cedar Springs, MI Man & wife witness three strange lights near their rural home. They exhibited red, green, and white light; formed a triangle.
2/18/96 19:45 Gainesville, FL Man, wife, and 6-yr. old daughter witness "huge, diamond-shaped" obj. SE of city. Obj. had "massive floodlights," passed overhead.
2/19/96 20:45 Vero Beach, FL Young man & woman witness peculiar bright yellow light, w/ "green streaks," in W sky. Moves, turns red. 3rd observer 10 mi. away.
2/19/96 22:44 Whidbey Island, WA Three adults see triangular shaped obj., w/ 4 very bright white lights, streak to the E. Emphasized brightness of light, humming sound.
2/23/96 21:29 Madison, TN Several children witness a "small silver disc w/ a white light on top." Streaks off. Mother separates them & they draw same obj..
2/23/96 22:30 Prineville, OR Man, 2 other adults, witness large, rectangular obj. w/ "curious" red, blue, green "blended colors" on bottom pass overhead.
2/24/96 3:15 Edwards AFB, CA Controller at Edwards AFB reports receiving two calls from local law enforcement re orange fiery ball. Radar neg. (Missle launch??)
2/24/96 3:20 Tehachapi Mtns., CA Couple see very bright, orange/red obj. approach from W, turn 90 deg., go S. Large, comet-like tail. (Missle from Vandenberg AFB).
2/24/96 3:27 Glendora, CA Several police officers observe large red ball of light move S, then E, then S, disappear from sight. (Missle launch from Vandenberg.)
2/25/96 2:30 Doylestown, PA Driving on Rte. 313, man sees 3 bright "meteorites." Eng. & lights fail, van stops abruptly. Paralyzed, feels something "scan" mind.
2/26/96 12:20 Ft. Lauderdale, FL Three adults observe 2 "two tiny white rectangle, or rhomboids" just above horizon over ocean. Objs. descend, rise. 2nd sighting.
2/27/96 Seattle, WA Woman reports experiencing a very short entity, "like a dwarf," in her bedroom during night. 2nd visitation in 3 years.
2/27/96 19:45 Marysville, WA Man witnesses yellowish-white light near Venus. Obj. suddenly accelerate "in warp drive" and streaks to the north.
2/27/96 22:00 Cleveland ARTCC, OH FAA controller calls to recount event of commuter airliner near Saginaw, MI. Says pilot reported pulsing ball of light ahead of a/c.
2/27/96 22:01 Saginaw, MI Commuter airliner w/ passengers turns, descends 12,500' to avoid a bizarre, extremely bright obj. directly ahead. Obj. could "jump."
2/28/96 7:10 Newcastle, WA Man & wife witness four small, metallic-looking objs., reflecting bright sunlight, go streaking N to S. First 2x, then a 3rd, & 4th.
2/28/96 19:45 Tri-Cities, WA Businessman driving to W sees pulsating bluish-white light ahead of his car moving from N to S. Very bright, strobing light.
2/28/96 19:48 Bothell, WA Man repts. seeing a large, extremely bright "red, blue, and whitish" obj. streaking from S to NW. Former pilot, estimates Mach 3+.
2/28/96 19:50 Redmond, WA 2 adults see an extremely bright, round, "neon green/white" ball of light streak from S to NE in horiz. flt. Extremely bright & fast.
2/28/96 19:50 Lynnwood, WA Man driving to west witnesses a very bright, white ball of light streak from S to N directly ahead of him 20 deg. above horizon.
2/29/96 1:15 Cedar Springs, MI Couple experience 2nd sighting of three lights over their rural home. Objects flashed red, green, white; distinct movement.
2/29/96 19:45 Redmond, WA Mother, 2 young women witness an intensely bright, bluish-white, flashing light to the E. Obj. moved, became orange, pink.